Tantric massage

Tantra is one of those subjects that everyone thinks they've heard of, but no one seems to know enough about. It has a certain mystical undertone to it, yet borders on something potentially explicit in nature. The truth is that tantra is a set of tools that many people have used for years to experience intense pleasure that the rest of us have missed out on!
One of the tools in the tantra skill set is the better known practice of tantric massage. We are not talking about a happy ending here – a rub 'n' tug massage that many uneducated masseuses pass off as tantric massage. We are talking about the real thing which is actually one of the most stimulating erotic practices you can engage in. Tantric massage is the secret to enhancing orgasm and can completely transform your way of making love.

As tantric massage and its techniques become more and more popular, one particular method used by tantric masters known as the "edge" is seriously changing the skill set in the bedroom. Once you learn how to use it properly, you'll unlock a secret superpower that will save your sex life, and leave your partner trembling with excitement.

Remember the magic of touch

As we age, our sense of touch is increasingly numb and greatly undervalued. Do you remember how magical it felt to be touched as you matured sexually? How does it feel when someone you really loved touches you for the first time? It's an almost electric sensation that overwhelms your senses and instantly wets your panties.

For those of you who think those days are long gone, fear not, all is not lost. You can rekindle these amazing sensations if you take the time to slow down and focus on touch. You can do this by relaxing both you and your partner into an almost meditative state and learning to experience touch again. So dim the lights, turn off the phones and lock the front door. It's time to turn on the pleasure and piss off the neighbors with screaming orgasms.

Lie close to each other, close your eyes and concentrate only on the sensations you feel on your fingertips as you caress your partner. Start with very light, slow and gentle touches, letting your hands and fingers explore every lovely area of ​​his body. Be careful not to touch her in his private area.. that fun is yet to come. A slow, meaningful and focused touch is the first step to learning the art of "edge".

Now that you're more versed in sensual touch, you're ready for the next step: a lingam massage. Lingam is the Sanskrit word for penis, and lingam massage refers to the practice of "honoring the male wand of light." To start, ask your partner to lie on their back with their legs apart and knees bent. Taking deep breaths will ensure that he is completely relaxed. Massage his torso and legs, moving towards his inner thighs.

When it's time, start massaging the penile area with very deliberate and focused touches. Your preferred butter it should give you the lubrication you need to glide effortlessly around your groin. While massaging, remember to breathe and incorporate the "magic touch" concentration you've been practicing. Taking a deep breath together will increase the bond between you.

Edge to Edge

As you touch him, vary the speed of the massage from slow to fast, trying to engage different parts of the penis to bring pleasure. The area around the head of the penis is where most of the nerve endings are, so it can be the most sensitive, so be sure to notice when he enjoys the touch and pull away when it's too much.

Be careful to notice when he's on the verge of orgasm, then bring him right back up again. Be careful not to take it over the edge to climax, so use specific breaks to reduce excitement before returning to your lingam massage. Bringing him so close to climax and playing with the limits of orgasm is exactly what you want to achieve.

Climax by numbers

Sometimes it can be very difficult to know how close your partner is to orgasm just by your own intuition. We've all been in situations where an unwanted early termination ended a potentially amazing sexual experience. To combat this, you can use an easy technique involving numbers to create waves of pleasure that last as long as possible, building the pleasure ready for the ultimate climax.

Imagine a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being orgasm. Ask your partner to communicate where they are on the scale as you touch them. Usually it would be good to only live when 6, 7 or more passes. The more you practice doing this, the better you will get at it. There is something special about having the power to control his pleasure.

Of course, it is up to you and your partner how long you would like to prolong his climax. One word of warning though… when you finally get him over the edge, you'd better be careful because it can cause some of the most powerful squirts of cum you'll ever encounter!

Become a goddess of tantric touch

The sense of touch is greatly underestimated. Learning to caress the body with gentle, focused strokes enhances erotic stimulation for your partner and increases awareness for you. When the body is completely relaxed, you can stimulate the intimate areas in a much different, more intense way and release pure sexual energy. Mastering this will also help you become a goddess of sexual touch and make men go crazy.

For those of you who are looking for a technique to fix sexual problems, the "edge" can also help release frustration in your relationship and sex life. Many of us become irritated with our love life for a number of reasons. Whether it's a lack of confidence, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction or not having enough time to create intimacy, the tantric practice of "edge" can unblock your sex life, allowing you to enjoy the incredible pleasure it achieves.

Premature ejaculation is a problem and fear that causes a lot of anxiety in men and is responsible for many failed sexual encounters. If he has difficulty ejaculating too quickly, the "edge" will help him physically and mentally deal with the premature orgasm. Using the orgasm by numbers technique described above will be the key to solving this problem. See it as exercise and use the magic of tantra to solve his problems.

Unleash crazy orgasms

"The edge" is a healthy sexual activity that can create truly amazing orgasms due to the waves of pleasure and the movement towards the edge of climax.

While the focus of this blog is on your partner getting the benefits of this technique, don't forget that it will also have huge positive effects on you. Being able to use your magic touch to unleash incredible orgasms on your partner is a skill that is super satisfying. After all, who wouldn't want to be able to make men feel like no other woman has ever made them feel? If you're a single girl showing off your new superpower, get ready to leave your male partners very excited when they want to keep you!

Or maybe you'd rather switch roles and teach your partner your newfound skills and help them work the same magic on you. The "edge" technique for women also opens up the incredible possibility of overcoming through multiple orgasms. And when the partner is not good at it? Your faithful rabbit vibrator can take over, leaving you literally shaking with erotic pleasure many, many times.

For the end…

Using the tantric tools described above will create an intimate experience with the opportunity to connect with your partner on a deeper level. Slowing down during the session to realize the true feeling of touch and pleasure will help open up avenues of communication with your partner and a much more meaningful connection. It's almost like you can finally speak the same language sexually.

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