A word or two about the benefits of morning sex

We are sure, and we hope you will agree with us, that no one would like to get up in the morning on the "left foot" 🙂 Imagine this scenario for a moment. The alarm clock rings in the corner of the room, you get up to turn it off, slip on your socks, hastily bump your little toe off the edge of the bed. Doesn't sound appealing at all right? Now imagine another scenario. You wake up, it's early in the morning, it's still a little cold and you and your partner are still warm under the duvet and you start an "activity" that will boost your circulation and bring a smile to your face. 🙂 Sounds a lot more tempting, doesn't it?

Sex makes everything seem juicier, more fun, more beautiful and more fantastic. And in the morning, of course, you will undoubtedly have more benefits from it – than from the most delicious coffee drunk from your favorite cup. In addition to having a big smile on your face, you will manage to get closer to your loved one, and you will be more ready to deal with the challenges and obligations that the day itself, which has not yet begun, brings.

Use the first erection of the morning

When it's already there, why should it remain unused? 🙂 You choose whether to start the day smiling or semi-grumpy 🙂 If you woke up earlier than your partner, and the erection is already there, start waking her up by caressing and tender kisses on the neck, behind the ears and back, keeping in mind that these are the most powerful erogenous zones in a woman. If, on the other hand, the situation is reversed, if the partner is the one who woke up first, then start teasing, it won't be out of place 🙂 At the same time, be gentle with your hands, give him unexpected oral sex or simply climb on top of him. A well-used morning erection, or the very sex that would happen in the morning, is more than just a benefit. And especially if the partner is facing erectile dysfunction, low self-esteem or emotional/mental problems. The morning erection itself is natural and spontaneous. And that's exactly why it's a great way to deal with boring everyday life, heavy responsibilities, or low self-esteem. Thus, turning a new, more beautiful page in your sex life is inevitable.

Be impulsive and spontaneous

The more impulsive - the better, because burdening yourself with details, planning, analysis, etc., etc., can only destroy the moment. Morning sex is certainly most effective if it is impulsive and spontaneous. It is a kind of speed discipline. For those who want to experiment, of course, morning sex can also happen in the shower - why not?

A great option for couples who don't have time

There are couples who have no time at all during the day, and in the evening, they are too exhausted due to various reasons (business obligations, physical exhaustion, shift work, children, etc.). This is the ideal way to sacrifice 10 to 15 minutes of sleep, and get up a little earlier in order to have a morning, juicy experience. So you will devote yourself to your intimate life and you will realize that it is a wonderful thing, right in the morning. The morning is the time when the day hasn't started yet, the stress hasn't reached you yet, the children (if you have them) are still sleeping, the problems are far away and you literally have the feeling that all these listed things don't exist. Use the peace and quiet for rapid breathing and quiet moaning under the sheets. Literally, emotionally and mentally reset yourself and bring yourself and your partner to the desired well-being that we seek in this fast-paced lifestyle. But there's no need to take our word for it, just try it yourself and you'll see for yourself all the benefits that morning sex brings with it.

Let's summarize

It's a natural energizer: Instead of reaching for your morning coffee, why not start your day with a little morning love? Sex releases endorphins, which can give you a natural boost of energy to help you start your day.

It can help you sleep better: Believe it or not, sex can actually help you sleep better at night. That's because the endorphins released during sex can promote feelings of relaxation and calm, which can help you drift off to a restful sleep.

It's a great way to bond with your partner: starting your day off with some intimacy and connection can help set a positive tone for the rest of the day. Plus, it's a fun and enjoyable way to spend quality time with your partner.

It can reduce stress: We all know that stress can wreak havoc on our bodies and minds. But did you know that sex can actually help reduce stress? The release of endorphins during sex can help promote feelings of relaxation and reduce anxiety.

It can boost your immune system: Sex has been shown to have immune-boosting benefits, thanks to the release of antibodies and other immune system components during orgasm. So not only is it fun, but it's also good for your health!

It's a great workout: If you want to get some exercise, morning sex is a great way to do it. Depending on the intensity, sex can burn 50 to 150 calories per session.

It can improve your mood: Starting your day off with some intimacy and pleasure can help put you in a positive and uplifted mood. Plus, the release of endorphins during sex can help combat feelings of depression and anxiety.

Can increase intimacy: Regular morning sex can help increase intimacy and connection between partners. Plus, it can help you both feel more comfortable and connected to each other.

A fun way to start the day: Let's face it, morning sex is just plain fun! It's a playful and enjoyable way to start your day off on the right foot.

It can make you more productive: Believe it or not, morning sex can actually make you more productive during the day. That's because the release of endorphins and other feel-good hormones can help improve your focus and motivation.

The day after the morning is known, right?

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