Lubricant, can it change your sex life for the better?

Yes, you read that right in the title itself. Lubricant can improve your sex life. It is about the lubricant. It is used to make the sexual act itself more pleasant and less painful, when masturbating, or when you simply play with sex toys. Lubricant works by reducing the friction (and therefore pain) between your skin and the organ/object/body part that is causing the friction – in a way that eliminates skin irritation and the discomfort of the friction itself.

Why is it desirable to use a lubricant?

Perhaps, it would be better to ask "Why not use a lubricant?" The use lubricants it's not something you should feel embarrassed, unusual, or uncomfortable about. On the contrary, he is a super good friend in your overall sexual experience. There are also many women around the world who secrete large enough amounts of vaginal fluid, but they still choose to use a lubricant in addition, in order to maximize their sexual pleasure. He cannot harm you in any case, but you will only be grateful to him for everything he does for you.

Vaginal secretion (or the so-called secreted vaginal fluid) by itself provides lubrication of the vagina and thus maintains its humidity, cleanliness and acidity. This is a natural process that prevents many infections.

Lubricant masculan-silk
masculan-strawberry lubricant

But in menopause and after it, women experience dryness of the vagina and increased discomfort during the sexual act. All this is followed by pain, in some more pronounced, in others less. The genitourinary tract (here we will include the vagina along with the vulva) undergoes changes and atrophies due to the drop in estrogen levels. When estrogen is in decline and its levels are reduced, these tissues become thinner. So flexibility is reduced, blood flow is less and natural vaginal fluids are drastically reduced. Using a lubricant helps alleviate all of this and eliminate discomfort during sex. But it is clear that it does not prevent the underlying problem of atrophy of vaginal tissue which has a natural tendency to atrophy. So – it does not cure the causes. Rather, it is only your best friend in removing the symptoms in all of this. And it works for you and your pleasure!

We were concise about vaginal dryness being the number one cause of discomfort or pain during intercourse. But we must also mention that this reason can also stem from many other factors. For example, there are people who use medications (including antihistamines and antidepressants) and who are fighting (or have survived) cancer. Likewise, patients with Sjogren's syndrome. They usually have problems with dryness of the vagina and in these situations, the lubricant can be of great benefit.

Fluids produced by your body that can be used as a lubricant

Menstrual blood it can help and be used as a lubricant during masturbation, or during sex. But it usually happens at the beginning of the menstrual cycle because the bleeding itself in the later days is not at all pleasant for sexual activities.

Cervical fluid, and that mostly during ovulation (and also for a few days plus/minus from the 14th day) will allow the rubbing to not cause discomfort and pain. (but always keep in mind that unprotected vaginal sex during ovulation is considered the riskiest because that's when you're most likely to get pregnant! If you don't want to get pregnant, of course.).

Vaginal fluid which your body actually secretes when you get excited, is available non-stop to help moisten your vagina. You just make sure you leave enough time for foreplay to allow your body to produce enough fluids and use them all during the sexual act.

The spit it can also be used as a lubricant. Using one's own saliva during masturbation can actually be a form of protection against the development of vulvovaginal candida. Yes yes, you read that right.

Researchers claim that this is likely due to certain protective (good) bacteria with antifungal properties found in our own saliva.

In comparison, receiving cunnilingus increases the chances of getting a candida infection. Which is normal, but also largely logical, because it's not about our own saliva. The word cunnilingus itself comes from the Latin words 'cunnis' (vulva) and 'lingis' (licking), which implies that it is oral sex, in a situation where the man pleases his partner.

How to choose the right lubricant for you?

In the following, we will reveal to you which lubricants are available on the market today and in which situations they are best used. Naturally, as with everything before, we'll start with what's best for beginners and work our way up.


Water-based lubricants

The safest and most pleasant option to start with would probably be this one. Water-based lubricants can be used for all your sexual needs, whether it's vaginal sex, masturbating or playing with sex toys. Quick water-based lubricants are also ideal for those people who have slightly more sensitive skin. Or for women who suffer from vaginal irritation. They can also be used with condoms and sex toys. They are very easy and simple to clean from bedding or clothes, meaning – they will not leave any marks, for sure.

However, water-based lubricants have some disadvantages. For example, they are not recommended for sex in water (in the shower for example) because they will wash off. Also, they tend to get sticky and require reapplying over and over again.

So if you're planning or wanting to have marathon sex, these lubricants are definitely not what you're looking for.

Lubricants based on silicone

Definitely the most ideal variant for long-lasting sex. You just need to lubricate less and reapply less often. Silicone-based lube is a great option for sex or masturbation in the shower or bath, as you won't be able to wash it off as easily. The only potential problem lies in the fact that silicone-based lubricants are a bit more difficult to remove, so you may need soap and water to clean them off.

 And be careful with these lubricants. Try to be very careful not to spill any silicone based lubricant on a wooden floor. It will definitely stain and leave the floor slippery even after a few months.

Silicone-based lubricants should not be used with sex toys that are themselves made of silicone. They can adversely affect the rubber over time and damage the texture of the product. But this definitely does not apply to all sex toys, because many models of sex toys are made of other materials.

Durex Perfect Connection 50 ml

Oil-based lubricants

These lubes are sure to give you a super glide that will last longer than you would with a water based lub. They are ideal and suitable for masturbation (hands or toys), penetrative sex (without condoms) and water play (shower, bathtub, pool). Oil-based lubricants can also be used for sensual massage.

Oil-based lubricants (or any other oily products, for example petroleum jelly or other oil) should not be used with latex condoms at all, as they can dissolve the latex itself and impair its function, causing it to break. on the condom. And sex toys made of latex should also be kept away from oil-based lubricants. Non-latex condoms (such as polyisoprene) are just as sensitive to this type of lubricant, so check the ingredients on the package before use.

Another disadvantage about them is that they are harder to clean than sheets, bedding and even your body.

Lubricants for anal sex

Lubricants they are definitely recommended for anal sex, as the anal canal itself does not secrete fluid to facilitate penetration. After all, the tight muscular sphincter located at the entrance to the anus contributes to much greater resistance, unlike the vagina, which is full of folds and quite stretchy tissue.

Using a lubricant even makes anal sex much safer. Using a water-based lubricant drastically reduces the chances of a condom breaking during anal sex, unlike oil-based lubricants or saliva itself, which increase the risk of condom breakage. during anal sex. The chances of the condom slipping during anal sex are also related to lubrication. Applying lubricant to the outside of the condom can reduce the chance of slippage, while applying lubricant to the inside of the condom can increase the chance of slippage.

sex with lubricant

What is good to know before you buy them?

Basically, it's simple. You should avoid any lubricant that contains artificial colors, flavors, sugars, oils, additional additives, or glycerin. The reason is clear – you never know how you would react to all these additives. Especially if you are using lubrication for the first time, that is, you are a beginner. Just some of those additional actions, like "warming" or "burning" can be a little different and more dangerous than expected. And also, just because a product is "natural" doesn't necessarily mean it's better for you. Check the list for what it contains, read product reviews, or simply go to a sex shop and ask for advice from the more experienced people who work there.

Glycerin or glycerol is a sugar alcohol and can sometimes be found in lubricants. There is still an active debate as to whether there may be a link between lubricants containing glycerin/glycerol and the bacteria found in your vagina. Some evidence actually alludes to the fact that lubricants containing glycerin may increase the chances of vaginal infections, while others believe that glycerin does not negatively affect the vaginal microflora at all. Of course, we are talking about a topic where additional research is needed and lacking. Let's get back to the topic at hand.

It happens that larger amounts of glycerol (and other similar compounds) are used in lubricants to provide special properties in a special way, such as, for example, a warming sensation, a cooling sensation, or again, an extra prolonged glide. A lubricant with a high concentration of glycerol, in any case, negatively affects the anal and vaginal tissues, in a way that damages and dehydrates these tissues. Damage to the tissue is not only unpleasant and painful, but can significantly increase the risk of sexually transmitted diseases because its structure is changed.

When choosing a water-based lubricant, always try to choose one that reflects the acidity of a healthy vagina (which is around pH 3,8 to 4,5), to prevent the risk of bacterial vaginosis, of course. The anus, on the other hand, has a more neutral level of acidity than the vagina (pH 5,5 to 7), so try to choose a suitable lubricant for anal sex as well.

It is possible that some lubricants also contain spermicidal chemicals, which can cause irritation of the vagina and are therefore not recommended for use. If you are trying to get pregnant and are using a lubricant, be sure to choose one that is specified for conception, as some lubricants can greatly reduce sperm motility.


If you feel discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse, increased lubrication is not always the right solution. Many types of diseases or infections can cause such symptoms as pain during intercourse. Especially when it comes to vaginal sex.

This category includes skin disorders, inflammations, certain infections, hormonal changes and imbalances, traumas, as well as many other causes. If you constantly feel pain and see that the degree worsens exactly during the sexual act, a consultation with your doctor or gynecologist is mandatory.

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